Soon after I came into this family, I met aunt Mary. She was just as had been described “she looks like my dad with lipstick,” which was true. I don’t remember much about her visit – just like meeting any other extended family member for the first time. However, not long after she left, the emails commenced. At first, these emails shocked and at times angered me, however as they continued we began to find them amusing. On occasion, we would reply and it was usually met with one of her vitriolic responses, so her emails continued. After a while, we started reading them with some of our friends which became a form of entertainment, wondering what she would say and who she would attack next. We are not exactly sure what started Aunt Mary on this path but she is still going strong 13 years later.
We decided to start this blog as a way to document these emails and share them with our friends and other family members, and as a reminder that every family has its secrets.
This is 100% real. The copy is unaltered (including spelling and grammar); only identities have been changed for privacy.
Happy Reading!